Saturday, May 21, 2005


Voting Machines and Software

The latest edition of Scientific American has an excellent article.

Also - the resource site here is very instructive:

This is roughly in alignment with my own ideas for breaking the empasse that currently exists - and this is just a microcosm of what ails the software industry generally.

The Open Voting Consortium, in collaboration with the IEEE-1162 and OASIS EML technical committees is currently implementing such a solution set. Governments decision makers are finally starting to take heed. The realization that such an approach can save the public purse $100M in costs, while providing better trusted solutions is a compelling argument, particularly in the USA where States are faced with budget constraints yet demands on them require that they met new legislative voting standards.

Clearly more debate and research on this is all excellent and signs are that this is occurring. The Carter / Boxer Commission is the next pivot point here around which endorsement of open standards could occur.


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